felt bauble necklace
felted bird
gingerbread lady
felted bracelet
felted hair clip
felted bird
felted ring
prodder #1
rag rug tool
wood and metal spring-clip rag rug tool for making traditional proddy or clippie mats
prodder #2
latch hook tool
vintage rag rug tools
selection of vintage wood and metal rag rug tools for traditional rag rug making (priced per item)
Shedding the Shackles:Women's Empowerment Through Craft.
A fabulous book
Available from:
Bloomsbury: https://tinyurl.com/45j6c9w7
Waterstones: https://tinyurl.com/2arttywf
and all good bookshops
Hook Prod Punch Tuft: Creative Techniques with Fabric and Fibre