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I have been and shall be teaching several workshops, as well as those I already run from my studio at home, in various parts of… Read More »Workshops

“Rag Rug Creations”

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I have recently authored “RAG RUG CREATIONS: AN EXPLORATION OF COLOUR AND SURFACE”, which was published by Bloomsbury in March 2014.
As well as featuring historical content, and the work of other selected makers, including Kaffe Fassett and Winifred Nicholson, it’s a project laden book, intende

DVI Project youtube

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Please click on the link below Everyone smiles in the same language.

“Everyone Smiles in the Same Language.”

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Many years and community textile projects further down the line, I feel that I have time and again witnessed the socially therapeutic, restorative and of course, creative benefits for many of the people participating. I never cease to marvel at how rag rugging as a medium, probably much like quilting, provides such a great foundation for peoples’ increasing openness and dialogue with each other.